Saturday, November 1, 2014

October 2014 An Tobar Pub Quiz

An Tobar Trivia 10.12.14
Round One
1. If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood, Who ya gonna call?

2. Connect these words: Story, Town, Crabs

3. "Follow your nose it always knows" was part of a 1975 commercial for what children's cereal which was also prolifically eaten by Jason Segel's character in the 2008 film Forgetting Sarah Marshall?

4. What do Zachary Quinto and Leonard Nimoy singularly have in common?

5. In which country would you be most likely to find vampire bats?

6. What does the word abracadabra mean?
I create what I speak.
Here it is
What's that?

7. Which Protestant reformer, in order to emphasize God's mercy, wrote "sin boldly"--and you can even buy a beer stein with this saying and his portrait on it to prove it?

8. What was the original name of the Big Mac?
the Aristocrat
the Blue Mountain Mac
the Mac Burger
the McBurger

9. Having initially received all three of these through the 1033 federal program that gives civilian police departments surplus military equipment, which of the following did the Los Angeles school police eventually agree to relinquish?
Grenade launchers
M-16 automatic rifles
Mine-Resistant/Ambush Protected Vehicles aka MRAP vehicles

10. A "toad strangler" is defined as a sudden, very heavy what?

Round Two
1. Which has won more league championships this century: The Los Angeles Kings or the Los Angeles Lakers? (Clarification: Let's be geeky and say this century began in 2001.)

2. What's the wonderful thing about Tigger?

3. In the 1930s roller-skate wheels were put on crates to create the first what?

4. According to 17th-century bishop James Ussher, what happened on October 23, 4004 B.C.?

5. Twenty years ago, who won the 1994 World Series?

6. A Cairn Terrier was cast as a dog with what name in a classic 1939 film?

7. Tomorrow will be Columbus Day in the United States, what holiday will it be in Canada?

8. What kind of cracker was invented in 1829 as the signature food of a diet designed to suppress carnal urges?

9. Although presidents are not required to salute soldiers, under which president did this first become commonplace?

10. Those who lived in Pine Valley could get their hair done at Opal's Glamorama for over 30 years on which daytime soap opera?

Harry Potter
1. After leaving the Halloween feast in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, where did Harry and Ron knock out the troll?

2. In Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter skipped the Halloween school feast in order to attend what event? You need to answer what the event was and for whom the event was held to earn one point.

3. In Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, what did Sirius Black reportedly do to the Fat Lady's portrait?

4. In which village were James and Lily Potter hiding on their last Halloween night?

5. Just before Halloween in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, participants from what two other Witchcraft and Wizarding schools arrived at Hogwarts  to participate in the Triwizard's Cup? (must correctly name both for one point)

Round Three
1. Which comedian did Jimmy Kimmel characterize as "a master chef who opened a Burger King"?

2. In what TV show did Oz play guitar for a rock band called Dingoes at my Baby?

3. What is the second-largest known dwarf planet in our solar system, ahead of Haumea, Makemake, and Ceres?

4. If you were a fan of Epcot's Norwegian-themed boat ride Maelstrom, why must you just "let it go"?

5. Which southern state has the U.S. nation's highest immunization rates for Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and diphtheria and which western state has the lowest for both MMR and diptheria? (2 pts)

6. How many U.S. states border at least one of the Great Lakes?

7. Seuss or Shakespeare: In which Dr. Seuss book will you read about "Jake the Pillow Snake." -or- In which Shakespeare play was the following line spoken, "Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war."

Classic Rock8. What pioneer heavy metal band released the song Rat Salad on their 1970 Album entitled Paranoid? And for a bonus, after forming in 1972, what American band rejected their lead singers' suggested use of the name of "Rat Salad" for their band name?

Gilmore Girls9. What was the first name (not nickname) of the mother and the daughter on the TV show Gilmore Girls?

Team Umizoomi10. After replacing Steve Burns as host of Blue's Clues from 2002–2006, Donovan Patton went on to do which main character's voice on Nickelodeon Jr.'s Team Umizoomi from 2010 until present?

Bonus round
1. On what network did Valerie Perrine become the first actress to show her nipples on broadcast TV, during her role on the 1973 Television-movie Steambath?

2. Name the first two members of the Orlando Magic Hall of Fame, created earlier this year.

3. What did Laurence Tureaud's persona Mr. T assert were his full first, middle, and last names?

4. List the four bands comprising the list of the top-five highest-grossing concert tours of all-time? (one of the bands has two of its tours in the top five, and another is just one person from a more iconic band, but for that slot I will accept either the band or the person)

5. List the five most recent governors of Florida prior to Rick Scott.

Round One Answers
1. Ghostbusters
2. Ghost
3. Fruit Loops
4. They both portayed Spock
5. Trinidad
6. I create what I speak.
7. Martin Luther
8. the Aristocrat
9. Grenade launchers
10. rain

Round Two Answers
1. Lakers 4 (01, 02, 09, 10) Kings 2 (12, 14)
2. Tiggers are wonderful things/marvelous chaps or he's the only one
3. skateboards
4. The earth was created
5. There was no World Series in 1994 due to the players' strike which began August 12. (1904 was the only other year the World Series was not played)
6. Toto
7. Thanksgiving
8. graham cracker
9. Ronald Reagan
10. All My Children
Harry Potter Answers
1. the girls' bathroom
2. Nearly Headless Nick's 500th Death-Day Party
3. slashed it
4. Godric's Hollow
5. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

Round Three Answers
1. Jay Leno
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Pluto [diameter 1430 mi, behind Eris 1445 mi]
4. It's being replaced by a Frozen-themed attraction
5. Mississippi (99.9% for both); Colorado (85.7% & 82.9%)
6. 8 [Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York]
7. I Can Read with My Eyes Shut! -or- Julius Caesar
8. Black Sabbath; Van Halen
9. Lorelai
10. Bot
Bonus Round Answers
1. PBS
2. Pat Williams and Nick Anderson
3. first name Mister; middle name period; last name T
4. U2 [U2 360° Tour $772M]; The Rolling Stones [A Bigger Bang Tour $635M & The Voodoo Lounge Tour $495M]; AC/DC [Black Ice World Tour $477M]; Pink Floyd or Roger Waters [The Wall Live $464M]
5. Charlie Christ 2007–2011); Jeb Bush (1999–2007); Buddy MacKay (1998–1999); Lawton Chiles (1991–1998); Bob Martinez (1987–1991)

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